00. Spanish, 05: HIV Healthcare, 10: Side Effects & Complications, 17: Young and Positive

El VIH en el cuerpo: El ciclo de vida del VIH

Por: Ann Avery, médica de enfermedades infecciosas de Metrohealth Medical Center. Ver todos los blogs en español > El sistema inmunológico del cuerpo humano utiliza un tipo específico de glóbulos blancos llamados CD4 o células […]

05: HIV Healthcare, 10: Side Effects & Complications, 17: Young and Positive

HIV in the body: The HIV life cycle

By: Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center The human body’s immune system uses a specific kind of white blood cell called CD4 or t-cells to sound the alarm when invaders […]

03: Getting Tested for HIV, 05: HIV Healthcare

The stages of HIV & AIDS

Shedding Light on The Stages of HIV and AIDS Once HIV gets into the bloodstream, it immediately starts making copies of itself that spread throughout the body. What happens next are the three stages of […]

00. Spanish, 03: Getting Tested for HIV, 04: Newly Diagnosed / HIV 101, 05: HIV Healthcare, 06: Talking to a Doctor

Síntomas del VIH: ¿Tengo VIH?

Por Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, División de Enfermedades Infecciosas, y revisado medicamente por Ann Avery, médica de enfermedades infecciosas de Metrohealth Medical Center. Ver todos los blogs en español > Una congestión nasal te […]

03: Getting Tested for HIV, 04: Newly Diagnosed / HIV 101, 05: HIV Healthcare, 06: Talking to a Doctor

HIV symptoms: Do I have HIV?

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, LISW-S, HIV Social Worker at MetroHealth Medical Center and medically reviewed by Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center A stuffy nose tells you you’ve caught a […]

04: Newly Diagnosed / HIV 101, 05: HIV Healthcare

What is HIV and what does HIV stand for?

By: Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center Let’s look at each word: Human: Viruses attack all sorts of living things. HIV attacks people. Immunodeficiency: HIV prevents the immune system from […]

00. Spanish, 08: Peer Support, 13: Dealing with Addiction & HIV, 14: Sexual Identity

Consejos para dejar el trabajo sexual (si es lo que quieres)

Por Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, División de Enfermedades Infecciosas, y revisado medicamente por Ann Avery, médica de enfermedades infecciosas de Metrohealth Medical Center. Ver todos los blogs en español > El trabajo sexual no […]

00. Spanish, 02: Everyday Advice for Living with HIV, 07: Protecting my Partner, 09: Sex When Living with HIV, 17: Young and Positive

Cómo revelar tu estado serológico en aplicaciones de citas y ligues

Por Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, División de Enfermedades Infecciosas, y revisado medicamente por Ann Avery, médica de enfermedades infecciosas de Metrohealth Medical Center. Ver todos los blogs en español > Creemos que el VIH […]