How we’re celebrating National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

National LatinX AIDS Awareness Day - positive peers

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith HIV Social Worker at MetroHealth Medical Center and medically reviewed by Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) is coming up on October 15, 2017. It’s another great opportunity to build awareness and call folks to action when it comes to HIV’s impact on communities around the U.S. and the world!

What you need to know about NLAAD

The Latino Commission on AIDS and Hispanic Federation National created National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day in 2003 to help more people understand the risks of HIV and its effects on the Latinx community (in case you’re wondering, “Latinx” is a gender-neutral alternative to “Latino” or “Latina”).   

National LatinX AIDS Awareness Day - positive peers

We love NLAAD because of the great work it does in communities around the US. Here’s what NLAAD did in just one year alone (2015):

  • Delivered 5,000 HIV testing kits to certified HIV testing sites across the country
  • Created Facebook ads that had more than a million impressions and 11,000 clicks
  • Distributed 4,000 NLAAD posters
  • Aired a radio PSA to more than 250 Spanish-language radio networks with an audience of more than 11.5 million people

HIV does a lot of damage in disadvantaged communities, where folks deal with poverty, social stigma, racism, social isolation, and poor access to high-quality education and health care. It’s hard to fix all that stuff, but NLAAD is helping one step at a time.

We know it can be especially hard to talk about HIV in the Latinx community, especially if you think your family and friends will take it the wrong way. If you don’t feel comfortable talking about HIV, that’s totally cool. If you do though, we encourage you to speak up with friends, family, at work, and at school about HIV and prevention.

You can also use the #NLAAD hashtag on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Find articles that explain the risks of HIV and how to overcome stigma, depression, and other struggles, and share them.


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National LatinX AIDS Awareness Day - positive peers

It’s all about making HIV/AIDS a thing of the past

It’s 2017 people: No one should have to deal with AIDS – the final stage of an HIV infection. Our current medications cannot cure HIV yet, but they can keep the virus under control and keep people healthy and untransmittable for many decades. We even have PrEP, a once daily pill that can prevent HIV infection in those who are currently HIV negative. All of this combined means we have the tools we need to one day bring about the end of HIV/AIDS. We hope you will join us and help that day arrive as soon as it can.

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Positive Peers is made possible through a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Grant to The MetroHealth System. Click here for more information about the SPNS grant initiative.
Positive Peers is a private app for young people living with HIV. Learn how you can earn rewards for your participation.